The Mumbai Police on Thursday arrested a 62-year-old Swedish man for allegedly molesting an air hostess and abusing co-passengers in an inebriated condition on board a Mumbai-bound Indigo flight from Bangkok. The incident marks another case of unruly behaviour onboard a flight by drunk passengers in recent months.
The incident happened on Thursday while the accused was flying in the Bangkok-Mumbai 6E-1052 Indigo Flight. The accused has been identified as Klas Erik Harald Jonas Westberg.
Things escalated when the cabin crew informed Westberg that there was no food available onboard the plane while he was reportedly drunk. He misbehaved with the air hostess while she was serving meals and started abusing co-passengers when they intervened.
Klas Erik Harald Jonas Westberg was travelling to Mumbai from Thailand. He was reportedly drunk and behaved rudely when the cabin crew informed him that his ticket did not include food on board.
He agreed to take a chicken dish and while paying the air hostess through the POS machine, he held her hand inappropriately.
After the air hostess protested his actions, Westberg stood up from his seat and went on to molest her in front of other passengers, said the statement of the cabin crew to the police, according to reports.
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