Budget carrier SpiceJet has announced a special sale offer for its passengers to mark India’s 74th Republic Day. During the sale period, passengers will be offered up to 26 per cent off on base fare on select domestic flights.
The sale includes one-way fares starting for as low as Rs 1,126 (all inclusive) on domestic destinations such as Delhi-Jaipur and Jammu-Srinagar.
The sale offer is valid for bookings made between 24 and 29 January. The travel period for bookings under the offer is between 24th January and 30th September, 2023, SpiceJet said in an official statement.
Shilpa Bhatia, Chief Commercial Officer, SpiceJet said that the airline is delighted to announce a special sale offer for its passengers this Republic Day.
SOURCE – businesstoday.in by Tarab Zaidi /click to read news at the source