On December 10, last year, a passenger on an IndiGo flight caused panic by opening the plane’s emergency door. The plane was flying from Chennai to Tiruchirapalli. Soon after, the IndiGo 6E-7339 flight took off after pressurisation checks. Taking cognisance of the incident, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has launched an investigation.

A senior DGCA official stated that the matter is being investigated.

“A passenger travelling on Flight 6E 7339 from Chennai to Tiruchirapalli on Dec 10, 2022, accidentally opened the emergency exit during the boarding process. The passenger immediately apologised for their action. As per SOPs, the incident was logged and the aircraft underwent mandatory engineering checks, which led to a delay in the flight’s departure,” DGCA said in a statement.

The incident took place on the Chennai-Trichy flight where it is reported that BJP TN chief Annamalai, DMK’s Spokesperson BT Arasakumar and BJP MP Tejasvi Surya are said to have taken. DMK spokesperson confirms Annamalai was traveling on said flight, along with a ‘Karnataka MP’ when they were asked to de board and wait in the buses for over 30 minutes.

SOURCE – businesstoday.in by Shubham Singh/ click to read news at the source