Akasa Air has announced its entry into Uttar Pradesh with the addition of Lucknow as the eleventh destination to join its network. The airline will be offering daily flights on the Lucknow-Bengaluru route and Lucknow-Mumbai route, starting from December 25, 2022.
The airline is also enhancing connectivity between Bengaluru and Kochi by adding a third daily frequency flight on the route starting from December 29, 2022. With this development, the airline will operate 26 daily flight departures from Bengaluru.
Praveen Iyer, Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer, Akasa Air, said the airline is pleased to launch its 11th destination of Lucknow. “Connecting this state capital with the key centres of Mumbai and Bengaluru is another extension of Akasa Air’s efforts to boost the country’s economy by strengthening its important transportation linkages,” he said.
Praveen added that the airline is augmenting its presence on the Bengaluru-Kochi route by adding a frequency in the evening, in response to the strong demand for flights connecting the two cities.
SOURCE- businesstoday.in/ click to read full news at the source