Vistara airlines on Tuesday confirmed an incident of misbehaviour by a passenger on flight UK 256 that was operating from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai. The incident took place on January 30. A 45-year-old ‘drunk’ Italian woman allegedly punched a cabin crew member and spat on another.
As per the statement, the flight captain issued a warning card to the unruly passenger and thereafter made a decision to restrain the concerned person. Vistara added that on-ground security agencies were informed to take immediate action upon arrival.
The joint venture of Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines earlier reported that it crossed the $1 billion revenue mark and remained EBITDA positive in the current fiscal year. The airline also reported break-even for the first time in the October-December quarter of FY23.
In July 2022, the airline achieved its highest-ever domestic market share of 10.4 percent. The airline has maintained its second position in terms of domestic market share since then.
SOURCE – by Sangam Singh/ click to read the news at the source