Amid recent incidents of unruly passenger behaviour, Air India has modified its in-flight alcohol service policy wherein cabin crew have been told to tactfully refuse further serving of alcohol if needed.
The Tata group-owned airline has been slapped with penalties in the last few days by DGCA in connection with the unruly behaviour of passengers onboard two international flights.
According to the revised policy issued on January 19, guests should not be permitted to drink alcohol unless served by the cabin crew and that the cabin crew be attentive to identifying guests that might be consuming their own alcohol.
“Service of alcoholic beverages must be carried out in a reasonable and safe manner. This includes tactfully refusing to (further) serve a guest alcohol,” as per the policy.
Air India has also issued a set of ‘do’s and don’ts’ of service refusal.
These require the cabin crew to be polite and avoid value judgements and use tact to politely inform the guest you will not serve them any more alcohol.
As per the policy, “don’t call the guest a ‘drunk’ – warn them politely that their behaviour is unacceptable” and don’t be persuaded to give them ‘one last drink’ after it is stated that they have had enough.
“Don’t raise your voice. If they raise theirs, lower yours… don’t put off refusal, act while the guest can still be reasoned with,” the airline said in the policy.
Further, it has told cabin crew that they should not think the matter is over because you have verbally addressed it. “Managing unduly intoxicated patrons must be done assertively and respectfully,” it added.
While serving alcoholic beverages to the guests is a practice that has been there for many years, the airline said that however, there is a distinction between consuming alcohol for pleasure and becoming intoxicated as a result of consuming alcohol.
“Air India empowers its cabin crew to deny boarding / refuse service of liquor or remove any unconsumed alcohol where a guest is consuming their own and where there are reasonable grounds to believe that guests faculties are impaired by alcohol to an extent that will present a hazard to the aircraft, to persons on board (crew or guests) or to the guest themselves,” the policy said.
SOURCE – cnbctv18/ click to read full news at the source