Delhi Police have arrested a flyer accused of misbehaving with a female cabin crew member on a Delhi to Hyderabad SpiceJet flight. The move came after a complaint was lodged by Sushant Srivastava, the airline’s security officer.

“A PCR call was received at 4.39 pm (on Monday) about a passenger allegedly molesting a cabin crew member on SpiceJet Flight-8133 from Delhi to Hyderabad. The call was made by Srivastava, SpiceJet’s security officer,” a senior police officer said to PTI.

The passenger was later identified as Absar Alam, a resident of Jamia Nagar in Delhi. He was travelling to Hyderabad with his family. The accused was booked under Section 354A (sexual harassment) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

On January 23, Alam behaved in an unruly and inappropriate manner, causing disturbance and harassment to the cabin crew. The crew immediately informed the pilot-in-command (PIC) and security staff of the situation.

As a result of the passenger’s behaviour, the individual and a co-passenger who were travelling together were offloaded from the flight and handed over to the airport’s security team for further investigation and appropriate action.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining proper conduct and behaviour while travelling. Airlines have the right to offload passengers who do not comply with the rules and regulations set forth for the safety and comfort of all passengers and crew members.

SOURCE – by Daanish Anand / click to read news at the source